
                                   I                            ,



                                   N               E               S               H




                                   N        O        W        E        B        ,





                                   H    E    R    E    B    Y






                                   S  W  E  A  R    T  O







                                   a  b  a  n  d  o  n    a  l  l    f  e  a  r  ;
                                   t  o
                                  question everything;                                                                      ▼
                                  to trust in myself;                                                                         ▼
                                  to honor those before me as I excel,                                           ▼
                                  and to support those who follow as they ascend.                               ▲
                                  I swear that I will never accept another's standard for success,          ▼
                                  asIsetmineonemeasurehigher.WhenIamfinished,noonewilleverfuckingl▼ookatlemonjelllllllythesamewayagain.                                                                                                                                                ▼




